Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too human... too repetative

I apologize before hand to those of you who know (or especially married to) someone who enjoys the field of interactive entertainment (video games). Its something I really enjoy as a chance to exercise problem solving and cooperation. I recently picked up the game Too Human. It is basically nerd fare, as it involves an elite soldier who is revered as a god and is set in Norse mythology. Its actually a pretty cool story (I was really into some of the Roman/Greek mythology as a kid). However, the game itself starts out pretty fun, as you hack and slash through wave after wave of robot attackers. The problem is that after five hours of game play, you are still doing the same thing. I was originally pretty excited by the game, but now its been put on the "Just pass it to get it over with" list. Seriously... I haven't had this much fun since I separated ten pounds of M&Ms by color... (consumer science project). If you haven't picked it up... don't! Just rent it.


Natali said...

I say sell it and get the cash for another game.

Brandon said...

@ Natali: You know I'm kind of a stat fanatic, so if I do before passing it, I'll have a huge hole in my gamerscore. :( I'm stuck between a rock and a sucky place.

Jen said...

I love Nat's's so something I'd say to Bobby!

Natali said...

Wait, I just realized- this post if for Winning Wednesday and the game is NOT a winner, what gives?