Monday, January 12, 2009

That sheep is forking funny!

Two or so weeks ago my family went on our ritual Sunday morning breakfast at a local cafe (La Parisian on Palm & Nees) and enjoyed brunch with both sets of parents. It was a nice morning as usual, lounging around, eating crepes, and enjoying the frigid morning air. Once Keegan's naptime was approaching, we decided to go home before he had a "tired toddler explosion".

As a way to teach K new words and situations we often play the "what's that" game, asking him the name of something we see. On the way home a fire truck drove by with its lights and siren on, naturally we asked "Keegan, what's that?", to which he replied "F*CK!" with a big grin on this face. Natali and I just looked at each other. At first both our jaws were on the ground and we had sort of a deer in the headlights look about us. That look slowly melted into uproarious laughter (but trying to hide it, so we didn't reinforce that particular pronunciation). As we gathered ourselves, we took turns enunciating very carefully: f-eye-er T-r-uh-k. As he tried to repeat, he slowly responded: "Ahhhh fuuuuu*k". Hilarity ensued until both Nat and I were crying from trying to keep our laughter hidden.

The reason I bring this up now is that I think I have to have my "Parental License" suspended for a few days. My parents came over for dinner yesterday and I wanted to show off my son's new vernacular. I brought out a fork (which evokes a similar response) and asked, "Keegan, what's this?". To my dismay he responded "forrrrk". We praised him and gave him a round of applause, but in my head I was disappointed. How sad is that? I already miss the fun I could have had with that one. :)


Natali said...

Now you gotta share about sheep too.... :-)

Brandon said...

Here are some of the other fun mispronunciations that have been kicked to the curb by his "development", bah!: Sheep tended to come out as sh*t, pig used to come out as b*tch, and sticks as dicks.

So if you hear me say "Fork you pig! Eat sheep and choke on a stick", I should probably have my mouth washed out with soap. :)

Jen said...

Hahaha! I love it! Bobby used to call them "fire f*cks" too.

Noah called sticks "dicks" for a long time. Once, he caught a friend of ours offguard when she was babysitting because he was talking about hockey and mentioned that when he grew up, he'd "get a big dick (stick) like my daddy's!"

Explaining that one away was a real treat.

Brandon said...

@Jen: now THAT is funny. A little bit more than I wanted to know about Bobby's "hockey equipment", but still funny. :)