Friday, January 9, 2009

This one is for the ladies...

In stark contrast to my techy nerd post yesterday, here is a post about fashion (sort of).

I went to my co-worker's office to ask if she had any work that she needed my help on. As I walked in she said "Oh! You have a wife... you'll appreciate this". Now that is one of those phrases sends shivers down my spine. Following that phrase, I've had women tell me stories that had too many TMI facts to count. I don't know your birthday, why do you think I care how frequently or intensely you menstruate (unless you ARE my wife, in which case this information is very useful). So as a side note to women who work around or even know men, here is the rule to remember: Having a wife/girlfriend/sister does NOT equal having a vagina. We may understand whats going on, but doesn't mean we want to know what's going on (as I'm sure other women don't want to know sometimes).

Anyway, back to my story. She showed me two pairs of pants that she had taken to a tailor to get "patched". My first thought, was why the hell does anyone get jeans patched? Then she pulled them out and I noticed the [for me] terrifying yellow swoopy stitch of Sevens. If you're a married man and don't understand why Sevens are terrifying click here (scary huh). So taking a $200 pair of pants to get stitched seems like a good move... unless you use this guy. She had dropped off a few things and was kind of going through them when she saw the jeans. This is how they turned out:

Yeah... pretty much completely ruined.

As she came across them in the pile she jumped and asked, "What have you done to my jeans?" The tailor, flabbergasted by this question, responded that he had fixed them just as she asked. My co-worker explained that these jeans were unwearable as anything but PJs now... the tailor disagreed. His wife soon walked in and my co-worker asked her, "Would you wear these out of the house?" The tailor's wife explained that if she had a long coat it wouldn't really be a problem (if you look at the bottom picture, you can see the original hole wasn't even that big). So their solution was to pay them $20 per pair of pants the "fixed" and then hide it... nice.

The bright side is you can think of it as getting a pair of "distressed" Sevens for 90% off!


Natali said...

OMG. That makes me NAUSEOUS. That is horrible. I hope she reports them to the better business bureau. There is NO excuse for that. Silver lining, that "patch job" looks as though it is stitch fairly lightly, she might be able to pull it out with a seam ripper....but she'll still have the original hole...

No, this is NOT getting 90% off of distressed Sevens. Be nice!

(PS hon, my bootie would have to FIT in a pair of those before you have to worry about me dropping 200 bones on a pair ;-))

RenderingRisch said...

@ Natali: lol. I am so with you!

This is horrifying!!!! You need to drop this guys name on your blog so we know who to avoid...That is UNACCEPTABLE!

Mrs. V!! said...

On the subject of Sevens (from a girl who could not care less about brand names)--
How scary is it that they have Sevens @ the maternity about paying $200 for jeans you only wear temporarily??

Anonymous said...

Unless you want your favorite jeans turned into "acid trip stitch butt diaper jeans" as I have so fondly named them, stay away from Ani's Shoe Repair on First and Nees. Ani's work was beautiful, but she passed away a while back and her shop was apparently sold to a Hmong family who love to wear long coats.

Jen said...

WOW. I think I might be sick. I have a pair of Sevens ($15 at Ross thank you very much!!)and that is absolutely horrifying. I wouldn't even want that patch job on a cheap pair of jeans!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow.