Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winning Wednesday: Twitter

So most people by now have heard about Twitter. For those that haven't, in a nutshell its a "micro-blogging" service that allows you to shoot "what you're doing" into cyberspace. You can subscribe (follow) to anyone's tweets and get updates in a variety of ways. There are several client applications available for a variety of platforms.

I had heard about Twitter for months, but just chocked it up to being a Facebook status updater. I've been using it now for about two months and I have to say I am addicted. Its a lot of fun, most of the time people make rhetorical posts and aren't expecting a response. People are using the service to not only update people on what they are doing, but also to get important announcements, savings opportunities, and even political information. If you are interested in a particular subject or company, you can follow their PR person's tweets and get real-time updates on what's going on. Here is a list put together by Sam Houston(@samhouston) of gamerDNA (snagged from @fourzerotwo) that lists gaming companies on twitter. You never know who you'll find with a little searching.

Here are a few tips to people who may be new on twitter:
  • if you see the at symbol (e.g. @ignium) that is reffering to someone's twitter username (and is usually a hyperlink, just click to go to their profile).
  • you can send someone a reply by using @username
  • if you want to send someone a direct message that no one else can see (similar to a text message) type d in front of the username then your message (e.g. d ignium Hey!).
  • if you want to "group" posts from multiple users together start a "hatch tag", and example of this is people at airports wanting to know what other people at airports are doing used #boardingLAX. This grouped all the posts of people boarding at LAX together.
  • the official list of twitter commands is HERE.
If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments or shoot me an email or tweet me ( I also post my tweets on the sidebar of this page.

To my surprise I received this email earlier today (I'm sure he follows all of his followers).