Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is NOT intimidating

I was at Target yesterday and happened upon this amazing sight. Its the "Target Assets Protection-mobile". This has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. I'm not 100% on this, but I think they have a "uniformed" AP person, riding around on this thing making sure people don't steal things or cause fights (covering their assets.. *sigh*).

I think it ends up being a double-edged sword though. This three-wheeled marvel actually makes me want to shoplift, just so I can see a security guard come out on this thing. On the other hand I don't think I'd get to far because I would probably pee my pants from laughing so hard.

Seriously! This might be more effective and it is way scarier:


Natali said...

It kills me that though I spotted this thing months ago, you blogged it first. I guess if I snooze I lose on the picture taking. Fair is fair. We'll go to Target tonight, maybe we can request a demonstration? Seems only Targhettos have them though...

Mrs. V!! said...

I laughed outloud at the pic before I even read the post! :P