Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tech Tuesday: Microsoft Photosynth

Photosynth is a project currently in the Microsoft "Live Labs". The idea of it is that it takes several uploaded photos and using reference points, creates a photo "quilt". By using the free software to view these quilts you get a sort of 3D perspective of a particular site. Developed to help splice together tourist photos to create the essence of "being there", this technology has recently been pushed into the limelight; as CNN partnered with Microsoft to present a Photosynth of the inauguration today. To view some of the other synths available, or to make your own you'll need to download two applications: Silverlight (for web viewing) and the actual Photosynth application. Both applications are free.

One of my favorite synths is called The Nose (MacDuff the golden retriever).

A few things to know (taken from http://photosynth.net/learn.aspx):

This first version of Photosynth has some limitations that you need to be aware of:

  1. All synths are uploaded. They're big, so you need to use a broadband Internet connection.
  2. All synths are public. Your photos will be visible to everyone on the Internet.
  3. Like the viewing experience, the "synther" only runs on PCs (XP and Vista).
  4. You'll need to Sign Up for a Photosynth account. It uses Windows Live ID.

For tips on how to get the best results when making your own synth, check out our guide or just watch the How to Synth video.

Note from me: You already have a Windows Live ID if you use any of the following: Xbox LIVE, Zune Social, MSN, hotmail, Windows Live Messenger, XNA Creators Club (basically if you have ever done any anything with Microsoft before)

If anyone reading this does a Synth, post a link in the comments. I'd be really interested in seeing it! Get out your digital camera and get to shooting!

Source: http://livelabs.com/photosynth/
Photo: by Tan_Nguyen