Thursday, January 15, 2009

WWJD [2GC]? (What Would Jesus Do [to get chicks]?

I was on my way back to work from lunch yesterday when this truck cut me off at the last second in order to get in the turn lane (that I was in). I pulled up behind the truck a little perturbed but minding my own business when I noticed the "Jesus Fish" [1] on this truck's bumper. I chuckled to myself immediately thinking of "the Golden Rule" (" to others what you would have them do to you..." [Matthew 7:12 NIV] <---Yeah...from the Bible). Then immediately to the right of the fish sticker I see another bumper sticker that says "The number one cause of divorce is MARRIAGE" [2]. That made me laugh a little harder considering the proximity of the two stickers and the HUGE recent debate over the sanctity of marriage (CA Prop. 8). My curiosity was now piqued and I went from sticker to sticker reading what they said. Here are some of the highlights: [3] "A, B, C, D, E, F*CKYOU", [4] "P*SSY RULES", and then finally to top it off, [5] a picture of Jesus' face, looking directly at all of the other stickers.

Now look through them again, in order: Jesus fish, marriage=bad, f*ck you, p*ssy rules, Jesus.

I don't know if my camera captured it, but I think he miiiiight be crying.


Natali said...

Wow, that was so blog worthy! Good eye.

RenderingRisch said...


Unknown said...

That just made my morning. Thanks for the laugh.

Jen said...

Wow. That leaves me pretty speechless.