Thursday, October 2, 2008

This seems a bit counterproductive...

I saw a sign for this free annual church event.  My mother-in-law and a few friends attend this church, and they have explained that the "Trunk or Treat" event is a free event for children, where instead of going unsupervised door-to-door "trick-or-treating", they can do it with the supervision of adults in the church's parking lot.  Seems like a pretty good idea until you take a step back.  

All year long you tell your kids not to talk to strangers, not to take candy from strangers, not to get near the car of strangers... etc.  Now you take them to an event in which the sole purpose is to have your kids go from car to car recieving candy from multiple stranger's trunks... hmmmmm...

(By the way, look at the poor boy's concerned face.  I think even he knows something's up.)

As of the post the church's site hasn't been updated with the specifics, but if you're interested here's the link:

(Its still probably better than letting your 18 month old go by his/herself)  :)