Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Analogy of the day

Earlier in the day when I left my desk to take a quick pee pee break, I entered the restroom and found that the only urinal was in use and I had to use the toilet. It made me stop to do a little introspection: why was I disappointed by this? The same job gets done no matter what kind of receptacle is used, and in the case of men (and some women) a porcelain box isn't even required. Then it came to me in the form of an analogy.

Urinal:Toilet = Chopsticks:Forks
(urinal is to toilet as chopsticks are to forks)

Let me explain. At home I have a toilet, this is what I use on a daily basis. There is a certain novelty to urinals. Its similar to going out to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. You could use a fork to eat your chow mein, but you still ask for the chopsticks. 'Nuff said.


Natali said...

Um, you're weird.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.... ok, that was my daily crack-up. Thanks for the giggle.

Jen said...

I'm with Nat on this one...those were my thoughts EXACTLY.

Anonymous said...

Fyi, the men's urinal can be seen from the hallway. There is a reason why the women in the office walk thru the hallway with their eyes closed.