Saturday, September 6, 2008

In the wee small hours.

Its mid-morning and already I've experienced the full gamut of human emotions. This morning I awoke to the sound of fighter jets flying by (there is a USAF air defense base in Fresno).
Annoyance: I am not generally a fan of being awaken by loud noises. I turned my head, still drowsy, and see this:

Panic: I start work at 8:00 (even though I am usually late, this is bad.)
Embarrassment: I realize its Saturday and I only work on weekdays.
Panic again: Why isn't my son up yet?!?! He's usually up between 7:30 and 8:30. I turn to where my wife sleeps... She's gone.
my son is fine and downstairs with my wife.
: I realize she's probably been taking care of the baby instead of sleeping for at least an hour and a half.
Fear: Worried about how I'll have to make this up to her.
: When I see them smile at me when I creep downstairs.
: Going to take care of this now...


Jen said...

Hey fair blaming the Air Force for waking you up! Just be happy you aren't in England...on the base we were staioned at over there, they would fly at first light in the summer-4:30am. Now there's some fun.