Monday, September 8, 2008

Tech Tuesday: The new Zune Lineup/Firmware update!!!

I've gone through a few PMP/MP3 players (this is my 5th), and the Zune has been my favorite so far. Let me preface this post by saying I do not have nor have I ever owned an iPod or iPhone, but I did do a pretty objective comparision after my third Creative Zen product crapped out and I decided to go with another company. (Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me; fool me three times, WTF was I thinking!?!?!?)

The Zune is Microsoft's answer to Apple's iPod and has been out for about 2 years now. Since they have been out they have made huge strides in the functionality of the device. The nice thing is that instead of leaving early adopters of the player out in the cold, all then new functionality is added to the older devices through a firmware (basically the operating system for a hardware device) update.

Out of the box, all of the Zune devices offer music, video, and picture support. But they also include FM radio and something called the "Zune Social".

The Social is my favorite part of the Zune community, as it allows you to view your friends listening habits and discover new music. Each Zune owner gets a "Zune Card" (see mine), this card automatically updates as you use the Zune software or sync your device. Your Xbox friends also are automatically added to your Zune social page (and visa versa).

Also Zune's have a feature called Zune-to-Zune sharing which allows you to "squirt" a song from your device to someone else's. If there is a song you really like, send it to your friend.

The current firmware version (v 2.5) also added some really nice features:
  • Wireless sync - if you computer is on, you can sync your music, videos, etc. without having to actually plug the device in
  • Friend sync - gives the ability to add your friend's Zune Card into your device and when you sync your device it will automatically update their card and download the songs they listened to last
  • Game support - added support to install games created on the XNA 3.0 framework
Finally on September 16th version 3.0 will be released (as well as a 16GB flash Zune and 120 GB hard drive Zune). The new features expected to be added with this update are:
  • Buy from FM - allows you to "tag" songs that you hear on the device's FM radio and when you sync or reach a hot spot, the device will download it
  • Wifi marketplace - now when connected to your home's wireless network or a hot spot you can browse the Zune Marketplace and download songs directly from the device
  • Games - game support is available now, but with the new update it won't have to be "unlocked". Two free games will also be added Hexic and Texas Hold'em.
  • Any friends' Zune cards you have added to your device will now automatically update whenever you connect to a hot spot (instead of having to manually sync them).
  • Audiobook support - adds support to Audible and Overdrive powered audio books.
Needless to say, I'm pretty excited!
