Tuesday, September 23, 2008

LOW Tech Tuesday: Pop Starting a Car

I was originally going to post about the new T-Mobile G1 (aka the gPhone/HTC Dream) which is the first phone to feature Google's mobile phone OS (operating system) called Android. But I got lazy and didn't feel like compiling all of the information and trying to explain how open source is better for a consumer than closed source software... blah blah blah.  

Since I had the "privilage" of engaging in one of my favorite activites tonight after getting some work done at Starbucks, I thought I'd pass it along.

My car's steering column has a bit of give to it which allows for the key to be removed without actually turning it to the "off" position.  This is handy when you run into 7-Eleven for a Slurpee when it's 104 outside and don't want to turn the A/C off.  Not so handy when you think you've turned the car off and leave the key in the ACC position for two hours with the radio on.  This is exactly what happened while I was at Starbucks this evening.  Needless to say when I returned to my car the battery was dead.  Since this problem isn't new (and I've had a manual transmission for about 90% of my driving years), I knew exactly what to do.  

Ideally you'd have another person with you to push the car while you are in the driver's seat, but since the other patrons we're "busy", I'll give you the solo version.
  1. Turn off all of the accessories (radio, lights, dome light, etc)
  2. Put the car in neutral and disengage the parking brake
  3. Place the key in the "on" position (this is an important step I missed tonight)
  4. Get out and push the car until you get it rolling about 3-5 MPH (easier on a slope)
  5. Once the car is moving, jump in the car, depress the clutch and quickly place it in first or second gear
  6. Once in gear, "pop" the clutch by letting it out and then quickly press it back in once the car is started (if you don't press it back in immediately the car will stall)
  7. Optional: Quickly drive off, since you looked like a goofus pushing your car around the parking lot for what now looks like no reason at all
Something to note, is that this only works on a dead battery/starter (and as far as I know only on manual transmissions), if your car makes the rrrr-rrrr-rrrr noise when you try to start it you'll have to call a tow truck.

A side note, tonight was especially fun since in my frustrated, flustered, embarrased state I forgot to turn the key to "on".  I ended up pushing the car up and down the parking lot about ten times before I realized this, adding to my frustration/flusteredness/embarresment.  *sigh*